
    Professor. Dr. Debraj Shome is one of the most renowned Facial Plastic Surgeons in India, super-specialized in Facial Plastic Surgery & Facial Cosmetic Surgery. Dr Debraj Shome is the Co-Founder and currently heads the Institute of Aesthetic Surgery at The Esthetic Clinics. The Esthetic Clinics have multiple centres catering to world class care in facial plastic surgery & dermatology, all over India. Dr. Shome is highly interested in teaching the art of Faacial Cosmetics to the budding generation. With the same intention he started the International Academy of Facial Cosmetic Surgery.

    International Academy of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (IAFCS) is  an unique training academy based in India, offering skills based training in all aspects of Cosmetic Surgery & Facial Aesthetics to professionals all across the globe.

    At this moment, training in most countries is not geared towards this challenge. The mistaken belief is that merely completing a residency program in Plastic Surgery or Dermatology gives practitioners the license to practice Cosmetic Surgery & Facial Aesthetics. Nothing could be further from the truth, since proficiency in Cosmetic Surgery needs specialised consultation, evaluation & surgical skills.



    The situation of training in the developing nations is often worse. Medical tourism to developing nations like India is on the rise and there is an ever increasing demand for cutting edge skills in non-surgical and surgical cosmetic procedures. However, the existing training standards in cosmetic surgery lack the compliance, accreditation and comparable structure with the international standards, whether it is in the fields of plastic surgery, dermatology , oral & maxillofacial surgery, oculoplastic surgery or facial plastic surgery.

    The International Academy of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (IAFCS) was set up to correct the lacunae in training in Cosmetic Surgery globally. The IAFCS aims to provide state of the art and cutting edge medical aesthetic training to medical professionals looking to improve their practice and/or open a new practice.

    It is this need & desire to provide a structured training in Cosmetic Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures, that provides a deeper understanding of all aspects of cosmetic treatments,that has led to the establishment of the IAFCS by Dr Debraj Shome.  Through courses and workshops at IAFCS, we aim to fill in the existing gap between the need and availability of trained aesthetic medical procedures.